
  1. (2025-01-12): Find Kth Largest element in a List With Streaming Data

  2. (2025-01-11): Create a hashmap

  3. (2025-01-11): Create a hashtable/hashset

  4. (2025-01-11): Find Max Profit By Buying and Selling Stock Multiple Times with Fees

  5. (2025-01-09): Find Max Profit By Buying and Selling Stock Multiple Times

  6. (2025-01-09): Find Max Profit By Buying and Selling Stock

  7. (2025-01-07): Find Sum of Beauty Values in a list

  8. (2025-01-06): Find Maximum Value of Triplet with a Condition

  9. (2025-01-05): Find Mountain Integers and Return Min Sum

  10. (2025-01-05): Find Sum of Three Numbers that is Closest to a Target

  11. (2025-01-05): Find Three Numbers in a List That Add upto Zero

  12. (2025-01-03): Find Two Numbers in a List To Add Upto Target Number

  13. (2025-01-03): Multiply Two String to Result Another String

  14. (2025-01-02): Sum Two Linked Lists Into One

  15. Find Monotonic Array.

  16. Reverse every word in a string.

  17. Find values that add up to a target.

  18. (2024-05-12): Rotate right a list

  19. (2024-05-12): Find majority element in a list

  20. (2024-05-12): Inplace modify array to remove duplicate items - II

  21. (2024-05-10): Inplace modify array to remove certain value

  22. (2024-05-10): Inplace modify array to remove duplicate items

  23. (2024-05-09): Combine Two Non-decreasing arrays into a final non-decreasing array
