Discriminative Vs Generative Models
Reading through analytics vidhya , following are the major points to take away:
- Machine Learning models can be classified into two categories: (a) Discriminative, and (b) Generative
- Discriminative model tries to draw boundaries in the data space whereas Generative model tries to model how the data is placed/distributed.
Discriminative Models:
- use (conditional) probability to discriminate the datasets.
- Data sets can be unseen.
- Used to make predictions, and used for classification and regression problems.
- unable to generate new data points, since they are focused only on generating boundaries
- mostly used for supervised learning tasks
Generative Models:
- focuses on the distribution of datasets
- to find the probability
- they are able to generate new data points similar to training datasets since they capture the distribution of the dataset
- mostly suited for unsupervised learning tasks
- Presents an example of spam email filtering using the two methods
Discriminative Models:
- Tries to define the boundary condition of what defines the spam vs not spam email, using training datasets
- i.e. somehow find the P(Y|X), Y being probability of email being spam, X being words in the email.
Generative Models:
- derives the conditional probability that P(X|Y) and P(Y) from general observation or training datasets
- uses Bayes Theorem to calculate P(Y|X) after P(X|Y) and P(Y) is estimated
- Some more points on each
Discriminative Models:
Some of the popular examples are:
- Logistic regression, SVMs, NNs, Nearest Neighbour, Desicion Trees, Random Forests etc
- Impacted negligibly by outlier.
Some of the popular examples are:
Generative Models:
- they often rely on Bayes Theorem, so they can solve complex tasks than analgous discriminative model
Examples are:
- Naiive Bayes, Bayesian Network, Markov Random fields, Hidden Markov Model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Generative Adversarial Networks, Autoregressive Model
- Impacted highly by any outlier.
Reading through turing.com , following are the major take aways:
- They present an exmaple of topper twins, who are both toppers in their class. But, they have a different approach to preparing for tests.
The first one
- goes into detail of each topic,
- once he grasps, never forgets it
- but the process is cumbersome, and needs more time to prepare
The second one
- gets a general idea about any topic
- learns the differences and patterns of each subtopics,
- has more flexibility in thinking
- Here the first is analogous to Generative Modeling while the second one is analogous to Discriminative modeling.
- Deep Learning algo like ANN, CNN, RNN use Discriminative approach.
- Deep Learning algo like autoencoder, Botlzmann machine, self organizing maps use Generative approach
Having read through the above topics and after creating a faint idea, the google developer page was a very good source to learn. It can be found at this link .