System Design Interview: Chapter 02


The contents here are derived while reading the book "System Design Interview: An Insider’s Guide" . Only the important concepts that may be needed in future for reference will be mentioned here. Please go to the official book at System Design Interview Book for more detail.

Chapter - 02: Back Of The Envelope Estimation

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

An agreement between service provider and customer to defien the level of uptime your service will deliver. SLAs are generally between 99% and 100%. The more 9's, the better i.e. 99.99..... 99% SLA means the service may be out for 1% of time (i.e.14.4 minutes per day) .

Not much to take away from this chapter that needs to be noted here. Please the visit the book at System Design Interview Book and read for yourself.

TODO: Read System Design Primer after done with this book. (link)